This blog is spirited and hopeful, listing all of the thoughts of life, and happenings of the present. I hope you enjoy my atypical point of view on the day to day experiences that stumble my way, not always with the most poise, but always with aspiring elegance.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sweet Summer Daze

     The air is rushing with the sound of summer.  The sun is shining with a new strength.  Everywhere about me signs of summer seem to glint through the shadows.  And what happens during these months of freedom?  That's just it; freedom.  There are no rules to bind you to reality; no dreadful days full of activities you'd rather not do.  Instead, there are shining pools of water to burst through, long days of sunshine to bask in, and miles of glorious tan skin to be in.  What's not to love about these days?
     My plans for the summer consist of swimming for hours, riding around town on my bike, eating a proportionate amount of mint oreos, dancing with all that's in me, shopping for new expressive pieces of clothing, which I deem to call art, and being around my Family as much as possible.  Maybe I'll even throw a job into the mix!  But not one of those corporate ones.  I've already tried that experience...and vetoed it.  :)  No, I would get a local boutique job, or something quaint such as that.
     The point is, Summer IS endless possibilities.  Truthfully, life is full of possibilities, no matter what season it is.  But for some possibly insane reason (or should we call it magical?), possibilities seem more possible during this season of warmth, laughter, and freedom.  Because that's just it; freedom.
