This blog is spirited and hopeful, listing all of the thoughts of life, and happenings of the present. I hope you enjoy my atypical point of view on the day to day experiences that stumble my way, not always with the most poise, but always with aspiring elegance.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Today's Tomorrow, Tomorrow's Yesterday

     I start school tomorrow.  Wow.  That was not something I was anticipating.  It seems that just yesterday I was writing on this blog about how I was going to be enjoying a long and glorious summer...and now it's passed.  And so quickly, too!  And yet, I know that it is the time of year, the right time of the heart, for these things to be taking place.  Don't you?  What Would life be like if all of our days we acted as we do in summertime?  I suppose it would be a pretty luxurious time...but not for all of us.  Anyways, my purpose in writing this note here?  Well, I do not really have a specific purpose or point in this blog article.  But what I do have is the urge to write, and write like crazy.  I want to work hard in life.  Get ready for tomorrow.  Get ready for the tomorrow of all the tomorrows...but only by being present and ready in the today's of life, can I be apart of what comes tomorrow.  Have you ever thought that today is a tomorrow of yesterday's tomorrow, and tomorrow will be a today and today a yesterday?  Hmm, well, I suppose you probably don't.  But time Is a weird thing, is it not?  I am laying here on my bed, in my comfy pj's for the hot summer nights, and I realize....nothing.  I realize nothing.  But I have this substantial feeling that I have realized something important, or that I will by tomorrow.  Or maybe it's just that life, in all it's livelihoods, is a very level thing.  In a sense that whenever, throughout, and under all the ups and downs, you always have a starting point.  A place to rejuvenate and set your thoughts.  And that's just it; your thoughts...which are in your mind.  The world is a complicated thing, but through time and peace of mind, your thoughts will start to form an understanding of the world around you.
Just like I understand that if I don't got to bed right now, I am going to regret it deeply tomorrow. :)


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Summer Projects

     I'm at the public library with my sister, Jane, who is I might add, a rather exquisite and astonishing person.  Not only am I lucky to have her as one of my sisters, but also to have her as a partner in pursuing the future and it's holdings.  She is a most amazing encouragement to my ambitions, as well as a wonderful asset to some of the projects in my mind. 
     Continuing on the point of this post, however, we are at the library, working on some summer projects.  One of which is setting up a youtube account and posting our webcam videos, another which includes posting and editing our blogsites, and yet another, which is talking about more future plans for the summer and the following school year.  And believe me, we make a lot of plans.  But it is the ones that are truly worthwhile that make it to the rough draft stage.  And the ones that are perfection in collaboration?  Well, they make it to where we are now; the public library.  Or Barnes and Nobles, or some local shop that has a fit environment for futuristic thoughts and speakings. 
  The point is, that Jane and I, also commonly known as Just Jane T.M and Madel, are a pair made for the OU Shoes, or a sisterhood ready for travel in foreign countries.  In other words, we are setting ourselves out there, ready to embark on a journey of  lifetime (literally) and embrace the happenings of our hard workings.  So we say to you, oh world of many!, lookout below and above, for we are only at the beginning of a journey that will never have an end.  

With much thought and appreciation,

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Mad World

"...people run in circles it's a very very mad world."
     It's a mad world.  A dizzying world.  A confusing world.  A romantic world; a melancholy world.  But it is our world.  It is my world.  I can choose what to do in it, how to live my life and part of it's life.  We are apart of Life's lifetime.  We are it's history; it's future.  Every decision we make, has an impact on it's least the personality it portrays to us.  How interesting to be life's's past, present, and eternity.

What will I do with this power to make an impact?  An impact on a human; because life is human.  Life is a someone; it is alive.  Without Life there would not be living, nor would there be death.  We would simply exist, or not exist.  But I exist.  And I choose to live my life.  I don't know how, not yet.  But then, who knows, what little choices I will make?  What decisions will impact the fingerprints of life, and it's nature?  Or the fingerprints of nature and its life?  That's just it; no one knows.

"All around me are familiar faces, worn out places, worn out faces."


Friday, July 1, 2011

Mid-Summer Update

     Well, my summer is, I must admit, a bit different from what I had expected.  But then again, is anything ever what we expect?  But it is certainly not a disappointment!  No indeed.  I have been doing exactly what I stated I would do; swimming through bursting blue water, soaking in the sunshine, riding around on my bike, babysitting three little boys, and eating Mint Oreos (but not as many as I would like).  There have been many other events so far this summer; some family quarrels, an unexpected guest that turned into a resident of our home, a first trip to Yummylicious (best place ever!), many movie marathons, a trip to the Gaylord Hotel where we swam and ate like gay lords, late nights with laughter, and the redecorating of our home.  But that isn't mentioning the events to come; a trip to a cabin by the lake with my sisters and soon to be brother-in-law, three birthdays in the same month (not to mention one of them on the Fourth of July...that would be mine), and best of all, a Kesha and LMFAO concert in August...outside!...with great seats!  Not that I will need them, however.  I'll be too busy screaming my head off and dancing my feet into the ground!
     My point being, that although my summer isn't quite as free-bird, in all these events, as I had planned, and I am not as perfectly fit and beautiful (probably from the oreos) as I had depended upon being, I am still happy with it!  The events themselves didn't stray from expectations, just the way I felt while doing them.  But that is good...yes, that is good.  Because that means that I am just Living my summer, instead of watching it with expectant eyes.  I am apart of my summer....apart of the summer.  I am The Spirit of Summer.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sweet Summer Daze

     The air is rushing with the sound of summer.  The sun is shining with a new strength.  Everywhere about me signs of summer seem to glint through the shadows.  And what happens during these months of freedom?  That's just it; freedom.  There are no rules to bind you to reality; no dreadful days full of activities you'd rather not do.  Instead, there are shining pools of water to burst through, long days of sunshine to bask in, and miles of glorious tan skin to be in.  What's not to love about these days?
     My plans for the summer consist of swimming for hours, riding around town on my bike, eating a proportionate amount of mint oreos, dancing with all that's in me, shopping for new expressive pieces of clothing, which I deem to call art, and being around my Family as much as possible.  Maybe I'll even throw a job into the mix!  But not one of those corporate ones.  I've already tried that experience...and vetoed it.  :)  No, I would get a local boutique job, or something quaint such as that.
     The point is, Summer IS endless possibilities.  Truthfully, life is full of possibilities, no matter what season it is.  But for some possibly insane reason (or should we call it magical?), possibilities seem more possible during this season of warmth, laughter, and freedom.  Because that's just it; freedom.


Friday, April 15, 2011

Judging your Judgement

     Do you ever have those moments or periods in life, where the veil is lifted from your vision, and you see the world in a new light?  You realize what was once the ugly duckling to you is now a graceful swan.  What was once rude and out of ordinary, is now so right, so good, it is ordinary beyond the boundaries of habit.  You realize, what was once a beautiful and perfect reflection, is now a cracked image, slammed with the gavel of your own judgement.

     I am in one of those moments, and trying to absorb as much truth before my vision is biased once more.  For right now, at this moment, I am seeing clearly the faults in myself that I reflect upon others.  I see the truth in matters that were once decided correct or incorrect without even the slightest glance towards the happenings.  I see the truth in my feelings of past, which were so exaggerated, whether to the good or bad light, that I could not realize reality if it shoved itself down my throat and tried to gag the words out of me.  The world holds a newborn effect on me.  It is captivating, possible, and impossible.  Music holds a new sound for me.  It is eerie, almost tearful, yet, my heart pounds to the rhythm.  The sun, how it shines light on the growth of the world, allowing no shadow for hidden secrets, signifies the moments I'm in everyday.  It makes me wonder why we stay indoors so often.  The sun is always out, whether it is winter, spring, or summer, shining and revealing shadow.  So why do we continue to hide?  Because there are dangers to standing in the sun?  Well, put some sunscreen on and go stand in the light of truth, for as long as you can, before the sun dies out for the night...or for all eternity.  
     What if the sun were never to rise again?  Would you be willing then to bask in its rays, allowing it to affect yourself?  And why should it make a difference whether it were to rise once more or forever more?  If you are willing to live in reality, and accept truths, and you stand in the sun, why should it matter if the opportunity will cease to exist.  Should you not have run into the blinding pool the moment the first ray reached the retina of your eye?  Did you allow the light to flow in through the pupil, or did you squint and obscure the image of reality?  And if so, would you regret the decision of squinting?  Or was it instinct?  Either way, you now have wrinkles as a reminder of that moment of decision...or was it instinct?  And would you let those lines remind you of the dangers?  Would you let them hold you back from running towards that sun once more?  Or would you try again, this time ready to accept all the spots and wrinkles that might come from standing in the sun? 
     The sun is always there, they say. It has been for thousands of years.  But you are not.  You never know when you might rise for the last time, or set never to shine your light again.  The question is, are you willing to exist in the shining light of something that changes your perspective on life, or are you only capable of accepting your own version of reality?
